Everybody loves buttons. I have quite the collection myself.
However my collection has grown rather large since I started making ebru art buttons. You see, I recently got a button machine, and I find the process fun. Plus its a great use of my smaller marbled papers. But, well, its gotten out of hand.
So many buttons!
I do have my favorites. It's amazing how much can fit on a space just bigger than an inch(1.25" to be exact).
I told you there are a lot of them
Luckily for all the button heads out there, the buttons are available on my etsy shop. Every button is made from unique original ebru paper. All the buttons have a pin backing so it can attach to just about anything you can poke with a pin.
One more for good measure
In Other News
I will have pieces featured in two "cash and carry" shows this December. The first one being the Vinyl Show, Which I also took part in last year. Its a group art show featuring only work on vinyl records. The Vinyl Show is held at Future Shock in Portland, Oregon.
The second show is the Portland Big 500. This is my first time partaking in this annual PDX tradition. It led me to working on wood panels for the first time. The Portland Big 500 is put on by The Peoples Gallery in Portland, Oregon.
I will likely do a blog on how those two shows after the holidays are over.
There will be two tee-shirt marbling workshop at the Loaded Brush in December. The first workshop is on December 12th. If you can't make that date, than how about December 21st. Register for a seat at The Loaded Brush.
*sign-up for workshops in advance.
Are you interested in commissioning custom art or booking an ebru lesson, workshop, demo, party, or performance? Contact me at art@dannyebru.com
Peace & Love,
- Danny