Friday, March 24, 2017

Infinite Perspective

Over the years I've made quite a few pieces with repeating geometric patterns. When I'm done with a piece I scan it, and I'll frame it. Then if I want to get any photos of a piece after it is framed I'll have to shoot it from an angle to avoid reflections and glare from the glass. It is those angled photos that inspired these tilted perspective honeycomb designs.

Space Hive Ebru
Hive minded

The forced perspective can make the pattern look like it could go on forever.

Ebru Honeycomb Pattern
Infinite perspective

Honeycomb creature
My new studio assistant

In Other News


I will be hosting a Turkish paper marbling workshop at San Clemente Art Supply on September 16th.

I will be hosting a Turkish paper marbling workshop at ASW's Catalyst Gallery on September 17th.

Thats all for now!
Are you interested in commissioning custom art or booking an ebru art lesson, workshop, demo, party, or performance? Contact me at

Peace & Love,
- Danny